Traditionally, I’m not big on resolutions. I am big on goals, but this year, I’m switching things up and have resolved to change a few behaviors. For some reason, in the last couple of days as I’ve been thinking about this, resolutions feel more doable. So, this year – 2014 – I resolve to:
Do more of these things:
- Trust God
- Write for pleasure (I was horrible at this in 2013. If you’re interested, in addition to writing here at Lit&Leisure, I’m also an Annesley Writer – a group of women within the Wesleyan church who write about their life and faith.)
- Exercise
- Reading at night
- Correspondence (i.e., thank you notes and birthday cards)
Do less of these things:
- Express criticism
- Play Words With Friends and Solitaire (see corresponding reading above)
- Unhealthy food choices
There are others that I’m sure I should add and that I’ll attempt to be better at, but for now, these are my New Year’s Resolutions.
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