I’ve thought for sometime that I’d like to start a blog. I have several good friends who do, and I really enjoy reading their blogs (more about them in a minute.) Some people say that folks who blog are just self absorbed, and I say “phooey” to that, per my previous statement.
However, what HAS kept me from blogging up to this point is thinking that I would have anything to say that someone would want to read.
Enter today.
I love to read. I love to hear about what you’re reading. I love to talk about books and to be pushed, encouraged, motivated to read.
For some time, a good friend & I have tried to get a discussion / online book club going with no real success. Maybe this will be that. I know that I have several good friends who also enjoy a good read and/or discussion thereof, so I think there may be *some* interest in this.
So, what will this be? I’ll blog here about books: books I’ve read, probably mostly what I’m currently reading, but also what I want to read. I have a goal this year of reading 30 books; I know to some that doesn’t seem like much, but I have a life and other hobbies (more about this later, too.) I think I read 26 last year. Anyway, of those 30, I’d like 5 to be nonfiction & at least 5 to be classics. Who knows, with this blog as motivation, I may read more.
I hope that you’ll comment (ie, dialogue) and let me know the same for you.
Now, back to the blogs I read. I read these friends blogs:
- one that is general but regularly touches on cooking & books
- one who is training for a triathlon
- one who recently had weight loss surgery
- one who is a stay at home mom who loves the Lord & loves missions
- one who writes gentle reminders of social etiquette & such
Disclaimer #1: I love photography. I love to cook. I love trying new restaurants. (Though this ‘hobby’ has been curtailed for budget reasons – we plan to buy a new house this year). And, I LOVE my precious Peek-A-Poo, Annie (Antigone – I’ll post one day about her name.) Therefore, at any time my regular theme may be hijacked by one of these topics. Oh yes, I love my husband.
Disclaimer #2: Though an English major, I’m a horrible speller. So, from time to time I may have a misspelling. Also, I think faster than I type so there may be the occasional typo. And, I’m not the grammarian my mother is, so forgive in advance the occasional blunder. This is, by the way, a blog – not a manual for the King’s English.
So, with all that said, I’ll conclude & my next post will be about books!
Congrats on the birth of your blog! I would also encourage you to occassionally have “guest posters” i.e. friends review books they have read as well.
Great idea! Consider yourself invited!
Will you let me review “chik lit”? 🙂
absolutely! In fact, that may be the only way readers here get exposed to it! We need to come up with a great title for you. . . Guest Post by Bunny, the CLA (chick lit affection-ado). . .
Elisabeth –
Your blog looks great.
Our company has been representing authors for the past twenty years.
We would love to add you to our database to receive press releases from them regarding books applicable to the genres you review.
Thank you in advance,
Ken Eason
Bostick Communications